Friday, 1 March 2013

Analysis of Video Examples from OKS

Recently we have been in communication with the band. Our Krypton Son have given us their take on their own creative process and sent through a couple of examples of what they want the video to be inspired by:

One -  This video is one of Our Krypton Son's fellow Small Town America band, More Than Conquerors. This was a video that MTH made themselves and it is very simple. However there is a beauty to this simplicity and it is really quite effective. The video is largely text based and OKS have said that they would like some text incorporated into their video, using the lyrics of Ill Wind. I don't believe that they want something fully text based as this video is but likely more with text animations over the video, perhaps for the most shocking lines such as the last.

Two - This video is from artist Ryan Hemsworth, and it is heavily animated. It is an incredibly strange and abstract video and there is no real narrative, the video only serves to heighten the impact of the song. I don't think that we could animate anything close to this level as none of us have any skill with drawing, stick figures is about our limit. However I don't think that the video needs to be fully animated. I think that OKS would be happy with using animation to highlight or contrast certain sections of the video, perhaps in a freeze frame or something similar.

Three - This video is from the band Wilco, and features no real narrative instead using thousands of pictures and cuts with practically every new note. There is some footage of the band however. It seems to have an almost home-movie quality or a tribute to the band.

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