Wednesday 21 November 2012


Organizing media using Events  

Managing Events  

Working with clips in the Event Library  

Organizing clips using keywords 

Organizing clips using sorting tools and Smart Collections  

Using Favorites to create subclips

Creating and managing Projects  

Performing basic edits in the Primary Storyline  

Performing overwrite and replace edits  

Performing video-only and audio-only edits  

Working with photos and still graphics

Trimming clips with ripple edits  

Timeline editing: Roll edits

Timeline editing: Slip and slide edits  

Toggling timeline snapping and skimming options

Adding music and manipulating audio  

Adjusting audio

Audio tools and techniques

Recording audio

Syncing multiple audio sources and separating audio from video

I will post tutorials to techniques I don't understand or are unfamiliar with and will cross them out as I learn about them. Any techniques I am already proficient at using are already crossed out.

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